Slidify exists for the sole purpose of helping others make their moonshots come true. We don't research and develop, or make geniuses tinker away in bunkers somewhere. No, we just design, animate and up-sell the crazy ideas of those dreamers through beautiful and inspiring presentations.

Our mission

To kickstart dreamers’ moonshots through crafting and designing expert presentations that pitch perfectly.

Our manifesto

Ideas can happen. Even those ideas that change the way we do things, the way we work, the way we live and even the way we dream. All it takes is a spark. A little passion to fuel the fire. Some logic to make it work. Some imagination to inspire. And a touch of magic to tell its story.

Ideas that change things happen. We just design the slides.

The problem

Presentation is everything when pitching, persuading or influencing of decision makers. But most presentations suck. The major problem is a lack of visual design and in general a lack of visual stimulus. Presentations with visual stimuli sell 50% better than those without. Bad presentations put a strain on the economy and financial stability of presenter/SME/Enterprise.

The solution

Slidify is an online presentation studio that offer clients a professional design service that crafts their pitch, sales and conference presentations into impressive deal making slides. We add the design that reflects the professionalism and sentiment of the presentation to create confidence, inspire trust and ultimately stand out.

Our Golden Circle